Login FAQ

How do I save login information on my computer?

As long as the computer you are using is your personal computer, it is okay to let your internet browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer) remember your login info for you.  Most browsers now will ask you if you want to save the login info after you have entered it into the boxes on the login page and clicked the login button.

You can also get a program like RoboForm or LastPass - which can remember passwords for you and also generate very secure passwords for you.

How do I change my login password?

Log In to Workamper.com which should take you to your Dashboard.  On the top right of your Dashboard, click on the MANAGE ACCOUNT link.

Scroll to the Membership Info section and then click the orange [edit] link.  On the next page, you will be able to edit your membership information, including your login password.  Type in your new password, then scroll down the page and click on the Save button.

Once saved, you'll see an "Info Saved" message.

I've forgotten my login password, help!

At Workamper.com, click on the LOGIN link located in the top right of the site.  Click on the Reset Password button.  An email will be sent to your email address connected to your membership/subscription. Click on the link in the email to go to a page to change your login password to whatever you prefer.

Or call the WKN office during our open hours and we can assist you with changing your password.  For security purposes, we cannot see your login password, we can only update it for you if you request it.

July 17, 2024

New Version of Workamper.com is getting closer to launch!


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Media Library

Making a First Impression as a Workamper
March 16, 2015
July 22, 2021

We love the full-time RV life. Tom and I have been full-time for about...

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