Key to Finding Good Jobs

We've been paying members of (Workamper News) off and on for a few years. However, I finally finished filling out our Workamper resumes/profile on their website (what took me so long? ). As a result, we have been inundated with calls and emails since I completed our profile 3 days ago. Not every employer out there advertises, but they definitely look at resumes. I know because I check daily and also receive Hotline Jobs email each day as well and employers who aren't on these listings are now reaching out to us. So, taking the time to fill out your resume is key to finding good Workamping jobs. And singles, YES! There are jobs out there for you, too! If anyone is questioning the value of paying for the annual membership, please know it is worth every single penny spent. And no, we were not paid to share this information. I know how tough it is to fill out applications and search daily and I want to make it easier for everyone.

- Workamper Michelle A.

September 1, 2024

New Version of is getting closer to launch!


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Michigan Sugar Beet Harvest Jobinar
April 3, 2024
September 9, 2019

We have been using WORKAMPER NEWS for over ten years. We have gotten...

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